When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi 💜 Link : https://shp.ee/7jdxzfv
Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami 💜 Link : https://shp.ee/86u6qnv
I Want to Die But I Want to Eat Ddeokbokki by Baek Sehui 💜 Link : https://shp.ee/2hnimqv
Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami 💜 Link : https://shp.ee/d3t3h8v
1Q84 by Haruki Murakami 💜 Link : https://shp.ee/869tfnv
Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto 💜 Link : https://shp.ee/jct4xpv
The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera 💜 Link : https://shp.ee/gnxs27v
Me Before You by Jojo Moyes 💜 Link : https://shp.ee/kk7s6dv
Humans Acts by Han Kang 💜 Link : https://shp.ee/wrhgfev
Kim Jiyoung Born 1982 by Cho Nam Joo 💜 Link : https://shp.ee/fr865yv
Stories of Your Life (and others) by Ted Chiang 💜 Link : https://shp.ee/3jrhm8v
The Stranger by Albert Camus 💜 Link : https://shp.ee/9w63xdv
Nietzsche’s Writings 💜 Link : https://shp.ee/xey5csd
Demian by Herman Hesse 💜 Link : https://shp.ee/kdr66cd
The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka 💜 Link : https://shp.ee/5kxe5wd
1984 by George Orwell 💜 Link : https://shp.ee/kwa6pyd
Killing Commendatore by Haruki Murakami 💜 Link : https://shp.ee/wp64h5v
Selamat membaca!🤗💜